Our Process
Our nationally recognized education consultants onboard you and your team through a four step process. This research-based process directly addresses the unique challenges and opportunities in education.

RespondAbility’s founder explains how the right systems help your entire team implement and execute your plan with high fidelity. He also discusses how measuring activity correlates directly to student outcomes.
Step 1: Analysis
We work with you and your district leaders to understand existing organizational structures and teams.
Together we identify your Implementation Goals,What work needs to happen Impact GoalsWhat changes to adult behavior are needed and Outcome Goals.Specific, student-centered, key performance indicators
We collaborate to determine Accountability StructuresWho is responsible for doing what and when and Performance Monitoring CadencesHow frequently you analyze implementation, impact, and outcome goals that work for you and your team.
Step 2: Configuration
RespondAbility synthesizes the discoveries and unique learnings through the analysis phase, into your dashboard. Your dashboard is the key to measuring progress across the organization in real time.
Tasks represent the steps an individual takes to reach a goal or complete a project
Rocks name the work you want to track and measure against goals
Logs provide narrative updates on Rocks’ progression
Timelines: Show the progress of Implementation, Impact, and Outcome goals over time
Tags: Items can be tagged to departments, teams, individuals, and competencies to allow for filtering and reporting
Automated reports: Progress reports are automatically distributed on a consistent schedule
Summary status: A summary of status over your desired length of time
Rocks are based on Stephen Covey’s metaphor of a jar (representing an individual’s or organization’s capacity) filled with Rocks (the most important things), Pebbles, and Sand (the things that have to happen but aren’t that important)—the Rocks must go into the jar first for everything to fit.
Step 3: Professional Learning
We provide professional learning for all users in your organization.
This ensures your plans become actions.
Your team will learn to:
Measure progress
Ensures that users are crystal clear on why the work is happening, what exactly is expected, and how they will know if the work is effective
Communicate clear and actionable information
Enables users to clearly communicate status, next steps, and how to work through roadblocks
Drive active leadership
Empowers leaders to drive specific actions and distribute leadership throughout their school or district
Educational initiatives fall short because of the “Implementation Gap (5,6).” Many organizations provide support for creating Strategic or Improvement Plans, and many organizations provide support for analyzing student outcome data—but only RespondAbility directly addresses the Implementation Gap by providing the systems and professional learning to ensure that plans become actions.
5: Reeves, 2007, Leading to Change / Closing the Implementation Gap, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
6: Vernez, et al, 2006, Comprehensive School Reform: The Implementation Gap, RAND Corporation

Step 4: Adaptive Leadership Coaching
Your RespondAbility Coach provides ongoing adaptive leadership coaching anytime you need support.
Our priority is to help your organization maintain a healthy cycle of continuous improvement.
The RespondAbility system is based on the Plan, Do, Study and Act model. Our dashboards and ongoing guidance support your Continuous Improvement Cycles using established Improvement Science (7) methodologies.
7: Rohanna, 2017. Breaking the “Adopt, Attack, Abandon” cycle: A case for improvement science in K–12 education, Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses. New Directions for Evaluation